If you have a blog or website that you would like to submit for consideration of inclusion in The Highbury Library, please carefully read the following before contacting us:
- We are the home of genuine Arsenal blogs.If your content is easily found elsewhere, then it isn’t genuine. We are not interested in Arsenal ‘news’ sites or sites that solely paraphrase or echo press releases or tabloid headlines. We like to think that we link to sites that offer original content – honest opinion or insight, and/or material that stimulates debate.
If your website covers other clubs, leagues or topics – please make sure that you have a separate feed that delivers ONLY Arsenal-relevant posts. Whilst we realize that Arsenal does not exist in a vacuum – our readers are predominantly Gooners, and what they want is what they get: i.e. Arsenal stuff only.Blogs come in many shapes and sizes. They may be comics, daily diaries, match previews and reviews, provocative images, poems, satirical or confessional… You name it, some creative Gooner is out there doing it. We encourage all forms of self-expression.
There are some amazing Arsenal sites on the web: historical archives, sites dedicated to Arsenal shirts, logos, players. We would love to link to them all – however, our focus is on blogging… and so if your website doesn’t feature a blog as its centerpiece, then it may not qualify for inclusion.
- Before you apply – please ensure that you have the following:
• Your RSS feed details
• A square logo at least 500×500 pixels - If you become a Highbury Library member, we would ask that you include our banner in a prominent position on your homepage, with a link back to our site.
- The Highbury Library only updates its membership once a month. Submissions must be received one week before the final day of the month, for consideration of inclusion in the following month.
While we would love to include every Arsenal blog (and its dog) – we reserve the right to limit the number of members, in the interest of keeping the reader experience uncluttered and enjoyable – faithful to our original intentions.
Lastly – but most importantly:
- If your website is hidden behind, or host to, or enslaved by insidious or invasive advertising – you’ve come to the wrong place.
All submissions will be considered by the Highbury Library admin. Sites are included by way of a majority vote. We are a benevolent collective dictatorship and our decisions are final.
If you don’t like it – go build your own site.
**Only kidding.